Write For Us!
Welcome to NairaGossip’s “Write for Us” page! We appreciate your interest in contributing to our website, and we welcome high-quality content from bloggers and businesses.
Why Choose NairaGossip?
At NairaGossip, we value the efforts of all bloggers and businesses who provide valuable content to our website. As a token of appreciation, we promote your brands through our social media channels. This way, your brand can reach a wide audience interested in various topics such as fashion, tech, business, finance, and celebrity news, among others.
If you’re looking to increase your brand’s reach or want to share your brand story, our audience is the best one to hear it. We welcome businesses that belong to the following categories to publish guest posts with us:
- Those who wish to increase their brand’s reach.
- Those who want to reach out to blog enthusiasts.
- Those who want to tell their brand story and think our audience will be the best one to hear them.
Some Checks before you shoot your mail to us!
Before submitting your high-quality content, please consider the following editorial guidelines:
- Content must be unique and of high quality with a Copy Space score above 50.
- Content length should be above 700+ words, with featured images attached to it.
- Blogs published on our website cannot be published elsewhere.
- We allow links in the content, and you can add a maximum of two links to your blog.
- We are open to all niches!
- If your content is a press release, please send it prior to the scheduled date.
You can easily find us on Google using the following queries:
- inurl: write-for-us “Tech guest Post”
- inurl: write-for-us “Fashion”
- inurl: write-for-us “Technology Guest Post”
- inurl: write-for-us “Business”
- inurl: write-for-us “Finance”
- inurl: write-for-us “Software Guest Posts”
- Technology + Write For Us + Guest Post
- Business+ Write For Us + Guest Post
- Finance+ Write For Us + Guest Post
- Marketing + Write For Us + Guest Post
- Cryptocurrency + Write For Us + Guest Post
- tech + “write for us”
- business + “write for us”
- Finance + “write for us”
- Cryptocurrency + “write for us”
- CBD + “write for us”
- technology + “write for us”
- Marketing + “write for us”
- Business+ “write for us”
If you meet our editorial guidelines and belong to any of the above categories, feel free to send your content to sardarmimranmani@gmail.com. We look forward to receiving your submissions and featuring your high-quality content on our website. Thank you for your interest in NairaGossip!